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Privacy Policy

Privacy is the foremost concern of yours that Shipting (“we”, “us”, and “our”) pledges to protect. We make sure that information about you is used and shared in a sensible manner, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so responsibly. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice.


Information provided by you
1.1 We receive and store any information you enter on our Web site or give us in any other way. The subscription with Shipting is a platform for enabling shipping processes for the customer and as a natural part of this, Shipting processes various personal data on the customer’s behalf.
1.2 We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, customizing future shipping for you, improving our site, and communicating with you.
1.3 Disclosures to Third Parties; We do not sell, rent, or lease your personal data to third parties. However, your personal data can be disclosed to third parties for commercial purposes.

Information from other sources:
2.1 Information that we receive about you from other sources and add it to our account information. Examples of such information that we can receive from other sources include updated delivery and address information from our carriers or other third parties, which we use to correct our records and deliver your next shipment more easily; account information, purchase or redemption information, and page-view information; pricing criteria and pricing result information; and credit history information from credit bureaus, which we may use to help prevent or detect the fraud.

Where Your Data Goes
3.1 Shipting is based in the United States and processes your personal data in the United States. Where your personal data can be obtained through a third party, any cross-border transfers were carried out pursuant to appropriate safeguards that the third party has applied.
3.2 Where you provide information directly to us, you are knowingly consenting to transfer your data to the United States, where it will remain (well-protected) until you ask for it back.

Exercising Your Rights
4.1 By contacting us through one of the methods set forth below under “Contact Information”, you may exercise these rights. Upon receiving your request, we may take action to verify your identity before acting on any request. While these steps depend on the type of your request, we will usually use your personal data in our possession to verify your identity.

Problems or Concerns
5.1 You should reach out to us right away if you have concerns with our processing of your personal data or believe we have violated this Privacy Policy or applicable law or regulation.
5.2 This does not prevent you from filing complaints concerning alleged violations with appropriate government agencies, including, if you live in Europe, your local supervisory authority.

Your Privacy Rights
We will do our best to honor your privacy rights under applicable laws (to the extent practicable). You may have specific rights to control our access to your personal data. These rights include:
6.1 Right to Know: You may have the right to request information about the processing of your personal data if you think it is missing from this Privacy Policy. You may also have the right to know what specific pieces of personal data of yours we may use.
6.2 Right to Access: You may have the right to access the personal data that we process.
6.3 Right to Rectification: You may have the right to request that we fix errors or omissions in the personal data that we process.
6.4 Right to Deletion: Also known as the “right to erasure” or the “right to be forgotten,” you may have the right to have us delete your personal data.
6.5 Right to Object: You may have the right to object to our processing of your personal data or to stop it altogether.
6.6 Right to Restrict Processing: You may have the right to limit the ways in which we process your personal data.
6.7 Right to Data Portability: You may have the right to request a portable version of your personal data, either to be given to you or an alternative provider.
6.8 Right to Non-Discrimination: We will not treat you unfairly as a result of your choice to exercise any of the above rights.
These rights are subject to preconditions for their exercise. We will fill you in on those preconditions should you seek to exercise one of these rights.

Contacting Shipting:

Shipting welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you have questions concerning this Privacy Policy, if you believe that Shipting has not adhered to this Privacy Policy, or if you wish to exercise one of your privacy rights, please contact Shipting at: